Serotonin Boost
The serotonin trip to LA/LV ended up being more serotonin than my little black heart could handle. We had an early morning flight to LA and my wonderful father dropped us off at Pearson for 6a.m. Bag check was simple, but we got pulled aside for a random security check. Originally, I was inwardly shitting myself, but the chick we had was super cool, and we all had some pretty good laughs. In the end, it helped us pass all the security line-ups, so it was a win. (We left on Boxing Day, so you could imagine how busy parts of the airport were) Boarding was simple, flight was uncomfortable simple, and all the other boring airport stuff was also simple. We took a shuttle to Enterprise where Brian already had a car rented, and I was already all smiles. It felt very nostalgic being back.
We’re being brought out to the parking garage (it’s blue skies and sun outside) and I’m looking around at all the different car options, and beside me was a black Porsche GT3. So, I joked to the guy “what about the Porsche?” then instantly felt like a douche and quickly backed it up with “sorry, you probably get that a lot.”. He found it amusing and said, “people normally ask for the Lamborghini Urus.”, and points to it parked behind me (it was bright yellow). I love me a good Ghini, but I’m more of a Huracan gal.
So, we’re ouing and awing at the Lambo, and Brian asks, “do you have any Challengers?”, and if my obsessive Instagram story posts weren’t a big enough indication, I’m IN LOVE with Dodge Challengers. Specifically, the Hellcat (a 1969 is also fine). I kinda tripped at the question because WHAT IF THERE ARE CHALLENGERS?! AND WHAT IF I SEE THEM BUT CAN’T HAVE THEM?!
I should also mention our current car rented out was a Mitsubishi Mirage…and nothing against the Mitsubishi family, but…
So sure enough, dude points to a black one, a red wine one, and a white one. Like GOD DAMN that’s a sexy car. I’m in my own little car heaven, and dude says it’s onLY $20 EXTRA A DAY. ON OUR MITSUBISHI MIRAGE PRICE?! (I think the red baby was a Hellcat, the black baby was a NOTHING RT and whitey was a Hemi. Hemi is my #2 crush.) SO BRIAN IS READING OVER THE NEW RENTAL FORMS, AND I’M FIVE FEET BACK, HYPERVENTILATING! We fucking got it, and I wouldn’t shut up to the guy how much it meant to me, and how it was my favourite car, and what this meant for the trip, and good god I was probably so annoying. We tipped him, I thanked him 800x more, and off we went (Brian driving. No WAY was I going to be the first driver. Sounds backwards—you’d think I’d be hyped to drive…I’ll circle back to this). First stop was Ocean Inn & Suites in Huntington Beach. Only one night, but we were a 30 second walk to the beach. When it comes to swimming, I’m not the biggest fan. I love a good pool, but oceans/lakes/rivers/ponds/whatever, no bueno. BUT! Beach walks and sitting and watching the waves, and the sound of waves…I love all that shit. It’s probably what I miss the most whenever I come home, because a walk along Wasaga just isn’t the same as the pacific coast.
We watched the sunset on the beach, watched the sunrise the following morning, then packed up, checked out, and made our way to the pier (10mins drive). We were here on the road trip two years ago, and already knew what to expect. I knew this beach was good for shell hunting, and we walked up and down the beach on the shoreline for an hour. Slight breeze, blue sky with the odd cloud, and SUN! The sun disappears in Canada every November, and doesn’t come back until March, so the warmth of the sun felt nice. Getting a headache from squinting in sunlight is a good headache (I forgot my sunglasses at home).
Late afternoon, we got some showers, but by that time, we were driving to our home for the week, Dream Hollywood. It’s a 20mins walk to Dallas’ apartment, a 15mins walk to Jimmy’s apartment, and like…a 1min walk to Hollywood Blvd., and if you don’t know what any of that means, you’re doing something wrong. Once again, Brian successfully accidentally got us a place in the area I know best.
+10pts for Brian.
This place is new. She was not here in April 2019. Absolutely beautiful inside. All the décor was animated NTFs, and I felt like I was in the future, haha! Our room was beautiful, although the view was nothing special.
We later made our way down to Santa Monica, mainly just to walk on the pier and look at all the lights (the pier is a good vibe), but because of the ass weather we had, everything was closed. The lights were left on, but there was almost nobody around. The stairs leading to the beach were also closed except for one set down by the boardwalk, and we never figured out why. I just assumed it was Covid related.
We walked down closer to the shore, and something Brian has always been great for is taking candid pictures of me. Or another Instagram favourite, the “fake candid”. The “I’m Going To Do Something And You Take A Picture And I’ll Pretend To Not Know”. So, he tells me to look at the rides on the pier so he can get a silhouette shot of me, and I’m like yes, this picture will be sick and walk ahead of him. There’s a pause, and I’m so euphoric about being back, my cheeks ache from smiling. Brain says “okay”, and I turn around expecting him to be showing me the picture he just took, but HE’S ON ONE KNEE, HOLDING OUT A RING!!??!? I think I mentally blacked out because it took me a second to realize what I was looking at. Then it hit me, my hands covered my mouth, and I took a minimum ten steps backwards (he also got this all on video). He had to tell me to “come back” in the most oh my god, you’re ridiculous tone ever, hahaha! I walked up. Saw the BLACK DIAMOND RING and walked away again so I could start crying.
Unfortunately, the ring didn’t fit my chubby lil finger, but DAMN, it’s absolutely gorgeous. I’m obsessed. Shout out to Sarah, Brian’s sister, who not only helped design the ring, but made it! (@kirk.bydesigns on Insta). We continued to walk the beach and empty pier, then went to Bubba Gump for dinner. Here, I proceeded to text EVERYONE! I should also mention that this was December 27th, which was also our 11-year anniversary. Like, what a way to start a vacation! The following day, we woke up early to drive 45mins to Malibu. We wanted to go back in ’19 but couldn’t make it fit with our schedule. So, we made sure to go this time; for no other reason than it’s beautiful there and we wanted to experience it. We walked the beach for a bit (no shells here), and some of the beach-front homes were unreal!
We grabbed something quick to eat, then drove an hour back south to Manhattan Beach (we went while we were staying in Huntington, but that’s when the rain started, so we left (plus, we have a Challenger. Driving is no burden.)). Very wide beach. Also beautiful, and yes, shells! Here, we grabbed pizza for a late lunch, then went back inland to go to the observatory for sunset.
This particular experience was slightly overwhelming. The weather was perfect, the sky was perfect, and what started as a potential crowded sunset view at the observatory turned into a hike and a solo location on a hilltop with no one around us. We stayed until dark and got so many amazing pictures. This was another euphoric feeling for me. The last time we had this view was two years ago at the Hollywood sign. It was hot, and the smog over DTLA was so intense, you could barely make out a building. This time was cool and clear. Plus, the sunsets are always better in the winter. I was sitting and taking it all in, and Brian got a butt-load of pictures of me. Truly candid because I was so distracted by the view.
Later that night, we got more rain, but we decided to go see the new Spider-Man movie in Imax at TCL Theatre. Last time we were in Hollywood, we saw Avengers: Endgame at TCL, so we seem to have created a tradition.
The following day was supposed to be museum day, but the rain was still with us and EVERYONE decided it was museum day. So, we fucked off to Beverly Hill for have lunch. We had dinner reservations later downtown, so we basically took it easy until it was time to start getting ready.
I took approximately 3 hours to get ready. Brian took 20mins. We went to this place called The Capital Grille and I 10/10 recommend. Our waitress was the absolute best, and the food was delicious. Brian got a steak and I got French onion soup. As well, he got a mojito and I got a cosmopolitan. We were asked if we were celebrating anything special, and I EXCITEDLY told her that we were recently engaged. With that, we got free champagne, and a free mini cake for dessert (with a plate that read ‘congratulations’ in chocolate).
Afterwards, we went to Little Damage and got black ice cream (flavour: strawberry), then went to LACMA to take pics with the lampposts.
The next morning, we got to Santa Monica pier for 8a.m. so we could enjoy it with less people. We walked down to Venice and back but took our time. More of a stroll, really. This was our 2nd last day in Cali, and we were driving to Vegas with stops along the way tomorrow, so this day was pretty chill. We got back to the car parked at the pier around noon, and it was packed. This is why getting up earlier to start your day is always better…
We went to the observatory, mainly out of obligation. Last time, it was closed for construction, and although we were just in front of it for that sunset hike, we hadn’t actually been to the physical building yet. So, we suffered the line-up of cars getting to the parking lot up top just to realize that the observatory itself was closed because it was New Years Eve. Fuck my life hahaha. But it’s still fine because the views up there are beautiful. We’ll just have to go back again.
We originally planned to hike to the H sign for new years fireworks but didn’t know those hikes closed at sunset. So, Plan B was the observatory hike we did the other night, but that was also closed at sunset. So, PLAN C was Pacific Pier in Santa Monica, but they only had a countdown planned and no fireworks because of Covid??? Which doesn’t make any sense, cause like…you were literally a full house earlier, but WHATEVER. We were perfectly content in our nice-ass hotel room. Plus, we were in Los Angeles, California, and Covid was (is) still a thing, and I felt safe in my hotel vs. the top floor club across the street that was an overflowing can of sardines. (Ew, it’d be so hot and sweaty in there, and just the thought of that + Covid = gross)
Our last day, we packed up and checked out, and made our way to Joshua Tree National Park. It’s about a 2.5h drive, getting us there around noon. This was when I drove the Challenger for the first time. Somewhat open road, no traffic, and single lanes. It’s beautiful. It’s comfy. It’s FAST! My obsession has only amplified since…
Joshua Tree is the bigger, less red version of Red Rock Canyon in Vegas in my opinion, although I personally think Red Rock is more fun. We spent the day climbing and exploring, then set up base to get a timelapse/pictures of the sunset. Once the sun was down, we still had 3h to get to Vegas, and our maps took us the bum-fuck nowhere route. I was on edge because it was SO DARK and like NO CARS, but Brian gave it no thought. The stars were incredible though. Light pollution? We don’t know her in the middle of the desert at 7p.m.
We drove through the Mojave desert, which is where the Kelso Dunes are, which was kind of neat because last time we were here, we climbed the sand dunes and watched the sunset. I felt better once I realized we were in familiar territory, because I dead-ass thought our map was leading us to our death.
Vegas was another 5 days, so I’ll have to leave that for another post. I feel like this one has already gone on long enough (my bad), but I hope you enjoyed!